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The Silver Marble scratch test

The Silver Marble scratch test

After we declared that the marble stain test was a success, we decided to do a scratch test. I had a screw driver with me after assembling some IKEA crates so I viciously dug into it. To my dismay, the scratches were visible. At first glance, 

The Silver Marble stain test

The Silver Marble stain test

We’ve been struggling with the choice of granite or marble for our kitchen countertops. From day 1, we were drawn to grey marble countertops for its natural beautiful veining and tones but everyone discouraged us from it citing reasons like the stone was porous, soft, 

Our First Home

Our First Home

On 20 Jan 2017, we collected the keys to our very first place. It was a perfectly quiet affair – I had just landed the night before from a full week in Manila for work and Lance was also tied up in his lab work. 

Slow Travelling

Slow Travelling

I’m a horribly slow traveller – there I said it. I find it ironic because I like to think of myself as a generally efficient person. But in travel, I’m slow and proud of it. I used to struggle between being efficient with my leave days